Sunday, August 27, 2023

My Navy Connections

I've been working on family history for quite a few years, and I've just this week come around to the fact that I have a larger (wider?) connection to the US Navy than to the USAF.  This was a surprise to me, as my father was career USAF and served in Germany, Philippines, Japan, and Vietnam, along with a dozen or more bases in the US.  
Shawn, my first child
taken about 2012

My son, Shawn, joined the Navy in 1971 and retired in 2014, serving on submarines at Bangor, Pearl, Kings Bay, and also assignments in California and South Carolina, prior to retiring as a Chief.  His father, MSH (my sweet husband), did not serve in the military but was a super supportive dad.  

If you have read some of my earlier posts, you may recall that MSH was adopted at birth, and in finding his biological father we learned that HE was also in the Navy.  He served during WWII, followed by many years in the Montana National Guard.

Earl Hansen, the father-in-law I never met

Kenneth Brown

In addition to these fine guys, my great-uncle Kenneth Brown was also in the Navy in WWII, as was MSH's uncle Jack Soderling.

My own family, both paternal and maternal, has served in every war back to the beginning of this country, so I probably shouldn't be surprised when I find these connections.  
Jack Soderling

My real interest comes with the fact that in my DNA work with adoptees and NPE folks (not parent expected), I am amazed at the number of men I am finding that also have a USN connection.  

Take care, dear readers, and enjoy the end of summer wherever you are!

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